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Li & Fung 2010 net profit up 27 pct

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-03-25 10:25:53  来源:Reuters 收藏

Year ended Dec. 31, 2010
Shr (HK cents) 111.9 vs 91.0
Final Div (HK cents) 52.0 vs 49.0
Net 4,278.22 vs 3,369.11
Turnover 124,115.17 vs 104,478.98
Company name Li & Fung Ltd.
Books close May 11-18
Dividend payable to be announced

NOTE - Li & Fung is a consumer goods sourcing company managing the supply chain for retailers and brands worldwide.

The calculation of share earnings is based on the weighted average of 3,822.26 million shares in issue during the period versus 3,701.27 million shares the same period a year earlier.

The total dividend for the year is 90 HK cents (including an interim dividend of 38 cents) versus 75 cents.

The consensus (mean) forecast from a poll by Thomson Reuters I/B/E/S was for net profit of HK$5.03 billion for the year and HK$2.86 billion for the second half.

For full statement please click: http://www.hkexnews.hk/listedco/listconews/sehk/20110324/LTN20110324214.pdf

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