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Chinese cotton fabric saves time, reduces carbon emissions

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-03-28 10:00:14  来源:Technology World 收藏

Winner Medical Group Inc., a leading manufacturer of medical dressings, medical disposables and non-woven fabric made from 100% natural PurCotton® products in China, has announced that its wholly-owned subsidiary, Winner Industries (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd., was the only medical device manufacturing company to win the Circular Economy Project Award for the year 2010.

Winner Medical won the award for its invention of the patented 100% cotton spunlace nonwoven technology, which forms raw cotton into nonwoven cotton fabric to produce PurCotton® products. Winners of this award are selected annually by the Shenzhen Enterprises'New Records Reviewing Committee (under the guidance of the China Enterprises'New Records Reviewing Committee) at the yearly Shenzhen Enterprise New Record Meeting.

Winner Medical believes that the 100% cotton spunlace non-woven fabric technology that it invented has the potential to be of far-reaching and great impact to the textile industry. This cotton processing technology shortens the production cycle from over two months to less than 10 days and significantly reduces the energy consumption, pollution and emission of carbon.

This eco-friendly technology features a computer-aided automatic process, the use of cotton as the raw material and the integration of the production process into the coiling and refining process. In contrast to Winner Medical's spunlace non-woven fabric technology, traditional technology has a long production chain involving a cumbersome process and a significant expenditure of labor. Also, the textile product manufactured by traditional technology may contain fluorescence material and other impurities that affect the quality of the product.

The winning of this award shows that Winner Medical employs an environmental friendly and innovation culture, and is acting in concert with the government of the People Republic of China' 'low carbon economy' and 'energy efficiency policy'.

Winner Medical is a leading medical disposable products manufacturer in China, with business operations consisting of manufacturing, researching, developing and marketing cotton-based medical dressings and medical disposables, as well as consumer products. The Company has twelve wholly-owned operating subsidiaries and three joint ventures, which manufacture tailored medical disposables and dressings, as well as non-woven fabric made from 100% natural cotton. With a vertically integrated supply chain ranging from spinning fabric to finished goods, the Company provides its customers with a wide range of products, from surgical and wound care to consumer. The Company sells and markets its medical products and 100% natural cotton non-woven jumbo rolls in China and abroad.

For nine consecutive years, the Company has been ranked as one of the top medical dressing exporters in China, with the United States, Europe, China and Japan being its most important markets. In addition, the Company distributes finished cotton non-woven consumer products under its own ''PurCotton'' brand name in China. With more than 20 years of international experience in the medical dressings and disposables field, the Company has a deep market understanding. This provides Winner Medical with a solid foundation, upon which it plans to expand by growing its medical grade 100% cotton retail business.

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文章关键词: Winner Medical  cotton fabric  carbon emission 


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