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Viscose Market Summary (Mar 16-31, 2011)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-04-06 13:52:13  来源:CCFGroup 收藏
The trading activity of cotton linter market was dull amid weak demand since cotton linter pulp mills started to process on paper pulp. The lower price had fallen to 9500yuan/mt.

Cotton linter pulp continued to be soft amid tight supply of quality goods. Most plants focused on fulfilling previous contracts, so few new offers were heard. Transformed paper pulp market was relatively active now. There was a wait-and-see stance on dissolving pulp market and no deals were concluded at high rates temporarily.

VSF price kept falling and trades were thin. Some plants provided preferential policies to stimulate sales and traders' talked price was pegged at 25500yuan/mt. Rayon yarn price also kept downward trend.

VFY offers were relatively stable but trades were thin. A few plants with unsmooth sales had to release preferential policies.
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文章关键词: Cotton linter pulp price  VSF price  VFY price 


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