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China Yarn Market Daily (06 Apr 2011)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-04-07 11:28:07  来源:CCFGroup 收藏
Description Price Change
CY OEC10 25,120 -80
CY C32 36,550 -100
CY JC40 44,100 -100
CY T32 19,950 0
CY R30 30,950 -100
CY T/C45 30,550 -50

Market review
Trading atmosphere of yarn market had not recovered yet and prices continued to keep weak.

Cotton yarn prices still tended to tumble. The market prices of cotton yarn 32s for knitting were at 36000yuan/mt while the prices of high-grade cotton yarn 32s were at 37800yuan/mt.

Rayon yarn prices continued downtrend with increasing inventory. The market prices of rayon yarn 30s for knitting produced in Xinxiang had declined to around 30000yuan/mt.

Polyester/cotton yarn prices were also weak. The mainstream prices of polyester/cotton 65/35 yarn 32s for weaving were at around 26500yuan/mt.

Downstream Market
In China Textile City, the trading volumes decreased to 5.61mln meters. The sales of curtain fabric and window gauze for decoration were tolerable and the sales volume to Guangdong increased.

Yarn inventory increased further, which would be unfavorable for the market. Though prices have dropped sharply, sales remained slack. In short time, the dropping trend is predicted to continue.


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