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Xinjiang Textile Industry to Initiate Thirty Major Programs in 2011

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-04-11 09:39:04  来源:China Textile Leader 收藏

The municipal government of Xinjiang Autonomous Region aspires to initiate 30 major textile programs in the year 2011 involving around four billion CNY of investment. During the 12th Five-Year Plan period, an estimated 116 textile programs will be constructed in Xinjiang involving around 59.2 billion CNY of investment.

Twenty major programs will be kicked off in Aksu with 4.665 billion CNY to be invested. Eight of which were 150,000-spindle program of Zhejiang Huafu and 100-spindle program of Youngor, Jiangsu Lianfa, Zhejiang Yongxiang, respectively. All programs will be wrapped within this year.

By the yearend of 2010, the overall capacity of Aksu textile city has reached three million spindles covering a host of textile sectors cotton textile, weaving, home textile, dyeing and printing and etc. Accumulated investment has topped 10 billion CNY. Some textile magnates such as Zhejiang Huafu, Youngor and Lianfa all chose to build new mills here due to its abundant natural resources, relatively low workforce cost and preferential policies of the local government.

Overall capacity of Xinjiang Autonomous Region by the yearend of 2010 would be reaching 4.8 million spindles with 105,000 spindles of rotor spinning, topping all 12 western provinces and rank the 13th nationwide.

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