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China Xiniya Fashion expands its marketing efforts

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-04-14 11:06:16  来源:China Xiniya Fashion Limited 收藏
China Xiniya Fashion Limited, a leading provider of men's business casual apparel in China, announced that it has expanded its marketing efforts through the sports channel of CCTV, the largest television station in China. CCTV5 broadcasts live sports such as soccer, tennis, badminton and Formula 1 auto racing and has a high level of male viewership.

CCTV 5 has a viewership of approximately 45 million daily during prime time from 18:00 to 24:00. Approximately 65% of its viewers are male and approximately 37% of the male viewers are ages between 25 and 45, which is consistent with Xiniya's target customer base. Xiniya's commercials will be up to 10 seconds long and will be played before and during the two most watched daily programs 'Sports News" and "Sports World" for a five-week period. These two daily programs are the most watched TV programs in CCTV 5 during prime time.

Jacky Cheung, Xiniya's brand spokesperson and China's leading singer and actor, will be featured in the advertisements. In addition, Xiniya's TV commercials will be broadcasted on a daily basis at various other times during prime time of CCTV 5. This represents an expansion of Xiniya's existing advertising campaign around the popular CCTV 12 program, "Moral Observation".

Mr. Qiming Xu, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Xiniya, commented, "We continue to invest in our brand to increase our recognition and customer acceptance. We are very excited to add this initiative to our marketing campaign since it directly targets our core customer base. We are again pleased to have Jacky Cheung represent the Xiniya brand on national television. We anticipate our brand awareness will continue to grow throughout China as our advertising activities increase."
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文章关键词: Xiniya Fashion  expands marketing 


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