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ICAC to assist two-day workshop in Beijing

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-04-14 11:13:26  来源:International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC) 收藏
India and Pakistan have confirmed participation by key industry officials in a two-day workshop scheduled for June 21-22, 2011 to be held in Beijing, China. The workshop under the theme: “Estimating Cotton Supply and Use in The 21st Century" will address issues of improving systems and methodology of estimating cotton supply and use in major cotton economies.

Representatives of large producing and consuming countries are being invited to the workshop. The China National Cotton Information Center (CNCIC), subordinate to the China National Cotton Reserves Corporation under the State Council, will host the workshop.

The International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC) will assist with organizing the agenda of the workshop. The International Network for Bamboo and Rattan has agreed to allow the use of their facilities for the workshop, including hotel rooms.

The workshop will provide an opportunity to discuss best practices in estimating cotton supply and use, gathering and evaluating data, and coordinating different sets of data between agencies in the largest producing countries, as well as improving accessibility of the data. The workshop is expected to produce recommendations to national government agencies and industry organizations on how to organize and improve systems of statistical estimation of cotton supply and use.
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文章关键词: ICAC  Cotton Supply  Cotton Use 


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