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The First Phase Closed with More Purchasers, Higher Trade Value

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-04-21 13:35:09  来源:CCFGroup 收藏
The first phase of the 109th China Import and Export Fair (Canton Fair) closed on Apr 18. About 102,242 purchases visited the fair, up 9.05% from the 108th fair, also higher than expected. Industry players said it was a sign of global economic recovery. The purchasers from Japan totaled 1,804, up 9.80% from the last fair, which means that the demand surged after the earthquake hit Japan. The purchasers from Europe were 10,614, up 2.10% from last fair while America purchasers were 2,566, up 3.89% from last fair.

In the first phase, the exhibition focused on electrical, lighting, hardware, chemicals, building materials. By Apr 18, the turnover of electrical products was 16.21 billion US dollar, up 10.9% from the 108th fair and up 25.2% from 107th spring fair, accounting for the 85.3% of the total turnover during the first phase.

Exhibiters from Guangzhou received an order of about 670 million US dollar, up 8% from the last fair.
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文章关键词: Canton Fair  Trade Value 


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