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China Polyester Filament Yarn Market Daily(21 Apr 2011)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-04-22 10:36:04  来源:CCFGroup 收藏

CCF Price
POY75/72F   16400-16900
POY150D/48F  14400-14700
FDY68D/24F   15800-16200
FDY150D/96F  14300-14600
DTY75D/72F   19600-20400
DTY150D/48F  16100-16300

PFY offers dipped and sales were moderate. POY150D, 200D and 300D were offered at 14200-14400, 14000-14200 and 13600-13800yuan/mt. FDY50/24, 75/36 and 150 were offered at 17100-17500, 15600-16000 and 14300-14500yuan/mt. Some DTY dipped, 150D, 200D and 300D at 15900-16100, 15200-15400 and 14800-15000yuan/mt.

Jiangsu plants mainly released steady offers but some FDY offers dipped by 100-300yuan/mt. Trading sentiment presented weak.

PFY sales ratio in Zhejiang and Jiangsu rebounded to 100-150% with lower ones at 70-80%. With feedstock consumed to a low level, downstream plants may start a new round of purchasing period, which may drag PFY market sentiment up a bit but maybe temporary. PFY market may still keep shivering and plants focus on selling goods.

Fujian prices remained stable with discounts available for bad-sale varieties. POY, FDY and DTY150D were prevailingly pegged at 14800, 14900-15000 and 16600-16700yuan/mt. Major plants reported moderate sales today with a ratio at 70-100%.

Downstream Operation
O/R basically kept stable while power ration continued in some regions. Run rates in Xiaoshan/Shaoxing circular knitting plants was at 70% and O/R in Shengze region at 80%. O/R of Haining/Wujiang weavers was at about 90%. O/R of Fujian looms was at 65% with Guangdong looms at 60%.

($1=CNY 6.52)

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