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1,000 high quality textile exhibitors gather at ShanghaiTex

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-04-26 11:10:58  来源:Adsale Exhibition Services Ltd 收藏

Since the inauguration in 1984, ShanghaiTex has developed into one of the most established textile machinery exhibition in China and has been identified as a---- national brand with international and modern management. Stepping into its 15th edition, The International Exhibition on Textile Industry (ShanghaiTex 2011) will be staged again at Shanghai New International Expo Centre, Pudong, Shanghai during June 14 - 17, 2011.

ShanghaiTex 2011 will gather more than 1,000 high quality textile exhibitors at an exhibition area of over 92,000sqm. Among them, near 400 enterprises come from knitting, dyeing and finishing sectors, accounting for over 50% of the total exhibiting area. Green and technological exhibits are one of the highlights that could not be missed by industry players.

Textile machinery and equipment do not only serve as production tools, but also play an important role to improve quality & efficiency, save energy, reduce consumption and pollution of the whole production process. Textile machinery is thus crucial for manufacturers. Therefore, a premier exhibition is required to serve as a technological arena for leading suppliers to showcase their new achievements.

ShanghaiTex has always been the preferred platform for textile machinery and environmental friendly products. Up till now, the exhibition has received encouraging responses; 8 exhibition halls are full already. Booths in knitting, dyeing and finishing machinery zones are in shortage. Numerous renowned brands will be exhibited at 5 theme zones as below:

Knitting & Hosiery Machinery Zone (W1 & W2): Italy's Santoni, BTSR, Germany's H. Stoll, Groz-Becker, Karl Mayer, Terrort, Japan's Shima Seiki, Hong Kong's Nan Sing, Ning Bo Cixing, Ning Bo Yuren, etc.

Printing, Dyeing & Finishing Machinery & Textile Chemicals Zone (W4 & W5): Switzerland's Santex, Hong Kong's Fong's, Gofront, Germany's Thies, U.S.A's X-rite, Italy's Brazzoli, Korea's IL Sung, Taiwan's Tong Geng, Hsing Cheng, Asia Kingdom, etc.

Spinning, Nonwoven & Techtextile Machinery Zone (E1 & E2): Oerlikon, Itema Savio, Truetzschler, Pacific Mechatronic (Group), China Hi-Tec Group, Shanghai Jwell, Zhejiang Rifa, Marzuoli, Uster, etc.

Warp-Knitting, Embroidery and Weaving Machinery Zone (W3): Germany's Karl Mayer, Italy's Santoni, SEIT, Lamiflex, Swizterland's Jakob Mueller, Runyuan, Barudan, etc.

Spare Parts & Accessories Zone(E3): Sanyou Holding Group, Jinan Tianqi, Foshan Megadyne, Wuxi Hongfei, Ningbo Hanghai, etc.

Last but not the least, German and Korean pavilions will introduce their famous brands and display sophisticated machineries at ShanghaiTex 2011. All exhibitors will join hands to build up a brand new platform for sourcing low-carbon, technological advanced and innovative textile machinery.

Overwhelming Support by Overseas & Chinese Buyers

Having over 26 years of history, ShanghaiTex 2011 has developed into one of the most largest and influential textile machinery exhibitions in Asia. With market focus on knitting, dyeing and finishing sectors, the show has attracted overseas trade delegations, including Vietnam Chamber of Commerca and Industry (VCCI), Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC) and visiting groups from India, Indonesia, Korea, Pakistan, etc. to source at ShanghaiTex 2011.

Apart from Overseas delegations, many top 500 Chinese textile enterprises have planned to visit the show, such as Guangdong Xinhui Meida Nylon, Toray Sakai Weaving & Dyeing (Nantong), Shijiazhuang Changshan Textile Group, Yunfu Group, etc. while Shandong Lutai, Jiangsu Sunshine have confirmed to organize the group delegations with over 20 staff from purchasing, production and technical departments to source and discuss business opportunities at the show.

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文章关键词: textile exhibitors  ShanghaiTex  textile machinery 


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