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Experts opt for methodical redesigning approach of apparel sector

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-04-28 10:07:59  来源:Fibre2fashion News Desk - India 收藏

There is no off-the-shelf organizational model that suits every business. Neither is there a guarantee that the existing model will lead to success. Hence time and again, focusing on the current priorities of the organization, a methodical redesigning approach is followed.

Sharp knowledge of the apparel industry about the consumer’s mindset, and its bonding with them, supplemented with adequate market research ensures that their products, and business performance does not make mistakes like few others.

Apparel companies which opted for redefining cost cuts witnessed some difficulties to balance immediate cost savings with long term competitiveness and sustainability. Morale of the business will be deeply affected if redesigning is implemented poorly.

Success of redefining an organization mainly lies in the success of its product line, which makes the changes acceptable among the employees, as well as the general public making them a clear merchandise leader.

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