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Power & gas outages hitting textile sector – PHMA

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-04-28 10:36:25  来源:Fibre2fashion News Desk - India 收藏
Prolonged unscheduled power suspension for long hours has brought the trade, business and industrial activities in Faisalabad to an impasse, and has raised distress of all associated with the textile industry, particularly the small traders.

According to Pakistan Hosiery Manufacturers & Exporters Association (PHMA) North Zone Chairman, Choudary Salamat Ali, substantial load shedding is causing the value-added textile sector to suffer heavy losses. As while the industrialists are suffering heavy losses as they need to curtail their production, the daily wagers are suffering loss of employment.

Ali stated that, mismanagement and above all the ongoing row between the Pakistan Electric Power Company (PEPCO) and petroleum suppliers has brought the industrial activities to a halt.

He further stated that the severe gas crisis of past seven months, together with mounting power deficit is adding to the despair of the industry. Unemployment is growing high with each passing day and industrial investment is falling, owing to unfriendly textile and power policy, he said.

He necessitated that the decision of gas suspension should be rolled back instantaneously and regular gas supply for a minimum of six-days in a week should be ensured to the factories.
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文章关键词: Power outages  gas outages  textile sector 


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