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Exceed reports 20% order growth at winter sales fair

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-05-11 11:07:49  来源:Exceed Company Ltd 收藏
Exceed Company Ltd, the owner and operator of "Xidelong" brand - one of the leading domestic sportswear brands in China, announced the results of its 2011 Winter collection sales fair, which was held at the Company's headquarters in Jinjiang commenced on April 8, 2011. The total value of the wholesale orders placed at the sales fair grew by approximately 20% over the same sales fair last year.

Shuipan Lin, Exceed's founder, Chairman and CEO, commented, "We again experienced strong year-over-year order growth at our most recent sales fair, demonstrating the high level of interest from our distributors and proving that our promotional activities are successfully bolstering the Xidelong brand name. "

"We have continued to promote our lifestyle sports brand positioning, which we believe resonates strongly with younger generations, the fastest growing segment of the sportswear market and our key target audience. This brand positioning, with its focus on healthy, active living and its ethos of inclusivity, remains a key driver of our sales growth. The results of our winter sales fair highlight the continued growth opportunities in our end markets, and we remain committed to executing our strategy to further develop our brand, our products and our sales channels in the coming quarters."

Exceed Company Ltd. designs, develops and engages in wholesale of footwear, apparel and accessories under its own brand, XIDELONG, in China.
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