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Exceed’s sportswear brand Xidelong supports Fitness for All

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-05-17 11:19:25  来源:Exceed Company Ltd 收藏
Exceed Company Ltd, the owner and operator of "Xidelong" brand - one of the leading domestic sportswear brands in China, announced that the Company's wholly owned subsidiary, Xidelong (China) Co., Ltd. ("XDL China"), has been selected for the second consecutive year as the official partner of the Nationwide "Fitness for All" sports campaign.

The Campaign is jointly organized by the Human Resources Development Center and the Occupational Skills Identification Advisory Center of the General Administration of Sport of China (the "Center") and China Sports Publications Group, and is sponsored by XDL China.

The Center officially announced the continuation of its partnership with XDL China on the Nationwide "Fitness for All" Sports Campaign 2011 during the Official Partnership Agreement Signing Ceremony held at the Center on May 12, 2011.

The Nationwide "Fitness for All" Sports Campaign is a charitable, social initiative to promote the development of the sports and fitness industry and the concept of fitness and sporting events to further the health and happiness of the general public. XDL China was named the first official sponsor of the "Fitness for All" Sports Campaign in 2010, the inaugural year for the campaign. The Campaign was highly effective and well received by the public in 2010. The ultimate goal of the Campaign is to raise 32% of the population in China to a moderate or above level of physical fitness by 2015.

Shuipan Lin, Exceed's founder, Chairman and CEO, commented, "We are very pleased to be named the official sponsor of the 'Fitness for All' Sports Campaign for the second consecutive year. We believe that the Campaign is helping to spur the development of the sports industry in China and is creating new opportunities for sportswear brand owners such as Exceed. Through our active support of the Campaign, we believe we are fulfilling our obligation as China's national sports brand to promote the importance and benefits of exercise, fitness and healthy living. In-line with the theme of this year's Campaign, we will seek to promote our brand image around the ideas of "lifestyle" and "freedom".
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文章关键词: sportswear brand  Xidelong  Exceed Company 


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