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Roberto Cavalli mulls 85 more outlets in China

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-05-18 10:56:51  来源:Fibre2fashion News Desk - India 收藏
With inking of a deal with Shanghai-based retail major UCCAL Group, Italian fashion brand Roberto Cavalli recently revealed its intention to launch 85 new outlets in China over the next five years.

The company in a statement said that, it proposes to launch its first outlets in Beijing and Shanghai towards end part of the current year or early next year.

Roberto Cavalli Group holds 75 percent stake in the new firm named Roberto Cavalli China, while UCCAL holds the remaining 25 percent stake.

Of the 85 proposed outlets five would be high-end "Roberto Cavalli" outlets which would be administered by the new firm, while the other 80 stores for the more popular brands like "Class Roberto Cavalli" and "Just Cavalli" would be directly managed by the UCCAL.

Already there exist 20 stores for "Class Roberto Cavalli" and "Just Cavalli" brands in China.

Cavalli which was instituted in Florence in early 1960s, fell prey to financial crunch during global economic crunch, however it has recuperated now.

The brand’s collection is now being displayed in over 50 countries across the globe.

Cavalla is one of the several European luxury and fashion retailers who have penetrated into the rapidly growing Chinese market in recent years.
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文章关键词: Roberto Cavalli  UCCAL 


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