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Zuoan Fashion opens first self-operated flagship store

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-05-20 13:41:29  来源:Zuoan Fashion Limited 收藏
Zuoan Fashion Limited, a leading design-driven fashion casual menswear company in China, announced the opening of its first self-operated flagship store in Xiamen, Fujian.

Situated at West Hexiang Road, Xiamen’s fashion and commercial district, the 220 square meter flagship store provides a large selection of men's apparel and related products. The look and the feel of the store reflect Zuoan’s latest interior design concept, which will be incorporated into other flagship store locations.

James Hong, Founder, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, commented, “We are excited to announce the opening of our first self-operated flagship store in Xiamen, which will enhance our brand image. We expect to provide our customers with a unique shopping environment and also stimulate distributor store sales in the nearby region. The opening of direct flagship stores is an important initiative for the long-term growth of our business and development of the Zuoan brand. We look forward to additional openings in the months ahead.”

Zuoan Fashion Limited is a leading design-driven fashion casual menswear company in China, and is head-quartered in Shanghai. Zuoan offers a wide range of products, including men’s casual apparel, footwear and lifestyle accessories, primarily targeting urban males between the ages of 20 and 40 who prefer stylish clothing that represents a sophisticated lifestyle.
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