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LANXESS steps up its commitment to sustainable growth

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-05-23 15:00:39  来源:LANXESS AG 收藏
Along with the markets in India and Brazil, the Chinese market is a pillar of LANXESS’ long-term growth strategy. Based on its success in these countries, the specialty chemicals group has set a target EBITDA pre exceptionals of EUR 1.4 billion for fiscal 2015.

“We are confident that we can achieve this goal because our business is so well aligned with the megatrends that are apparent here in China and across the globe,” explained LANXESS Greater China Country Representative Martin Kraemer to journalists at a press conference held in Guangzhou on May 17, 2011, in conjunction with Chinaplas 2011.

LANXESS' Semi-Crystalline Products, Inorganic Pigments and Functional Chemicals business units are showcasing their latest developments at this event, one of the leading trade fairs for plastics and rubbers in Asia.

Trend toward urbanization and mobility drives growth
In his presentation, Kraemer made particular reference to two megatrends that are boosting the demand for customized products from LANXESS. One is rapidly increasing urbanization and the other fast-growing mobility. For example, LANXESS supplies highly effective phosphorus-based flame retardants that are used in China’s booming construction industry in products such as flame-retardant spray coatings and polyurethane slab foam.

The automotive industry in China and other countries, meanwhile, benefits from the high-tech polyamides and polybutylene terephthalates (PBTs) Durethan and Pocan. “We work hard to be at the cutting edge of the innovative, high-tech plastics technology that is making cars lighter and more fuel-efficient,” said Kraemer.

Lightweight construction with nylon composite sheet hybrid technology
The majority of the innovations that are being presented by the Semi-Crystalline Products business unit at Chinaplas are intended for the automotive and electrical/electronics industries. One example is the use of nylon composite sheet instead of metal in the plastic/metal composite technology (hybrid technology) that achieves significant weight savings in components such as the front end of the Audi A8.

Polyamides for newer engine concepts are a further focus of attention. For instance, a very soft Durethan polyamide 6 grade can be used to produce charge air tubes with integrated bellows in a cost-effective single-material extrusion blow-molding solution.

LANXESS is a leading specialty chemicals company with sales of EUR 7.1 billion in 2010 and currently around 15,500 employees in 30 countries. The company is at present represented at 46 production sites worldwide. The core business of LANXESS is the development, manufacturing and marketing of plastics, rubber, intermediates and specialty chemicals.
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