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PolyU stages Knitwear Fashion Show

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-05-26 10:15:07  来源:The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) 收藏
The creative flair and design talent of the graduating students from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU)'s Institute of Textiles and Clothing (ITC) have won big rounds of applause from the industry at their Knitwear Fashion Show held (24 May) at The Mira Hong Kong.

A collaborated effort of design students, ITC, various knitwear producers and yarn suppliers, the annual Knitwear Fashion Show aims to foster the relations between the Institute and the industry, apart from showcasing the quality design and products of the PolyU students. In designing their own collection of four outfits, 23 graduating students majoring in knitwear design were provided with raw materials sponsored by knitwear producers and yarn suppliers.

Professor Tao Xiaoming, Chair Professor and Head of ITC, said, "Having witnessed the inaugural Knitwear Design with Technology Specialism from its initial concept to where it is today, I am pleased that ITC has received an overwhelming response and appreciation from the knitwear industry." She also announced that Luen Thai Holdings Limited has pledged a generous donation to ITC in support of the next Knitwear Fashion Show.

Mr Andrew Lo, Chief Executive Officer of Crystal Group and Title Sponsor of the Show, remarked, "Being a sponsor of the Show in the past years, we have well witnessed the success and impressive outcome of the Show. The Show provides students with a platform to experience the process of designing, manufacturing and displaying their own knitwear designs and talents, and to better prepare themselves for contributing to the industry. We believe that students will benefit a great deal from this Show."

As the sole provider of tertiary education in fashion and textiles in Hong Kong, ITC offers exciting opportunities to those who wish to pursue careers in the dynamic fashion and textiles industry. Since its inception in 1957, ITC is committed to educational training and development for the advancement of the Hong Kong fashion and textile industry through various research and scholarly activities.
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文章关键词: PolyU  Knitwear  Fashion Show 


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