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Launch of new Kornit Avalanche Printer at ShanghaiTex

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-06-09 10:22:12  来源:Kornit Digital Ltd 收藏
Kornit Digital, a leading-edge company that develops, manufactures and markets high-speed industrial and commercial digital inkjet printers, superior pigmented ink and unique chemistry solutions for the textile industry, announced. The Asian launch of its Kornit Avalanche industrial Direct-To-Garment printer at ShanghaiTex 2011 Event in Shanghai, China on June 14-17.

The Kornit Avalanche is a dual-pallet industrial digital inkjet printer for mass production of light and dark garments. With an extremely innovative and robust industrial platform, designed for printing vast quantities in a high-level production environment, the Kornit Avalanche is capable of printing at an impressive rate which ultimately reduces costs by shorter turnaround times and production schedules. As a part of its dual-bridge platform technology, specifically designed for industrial production of extremely large quantities, the Kornit Avalanche includes 12 print heads (8 CMYK + 4 White) and demonstrates an unparalleled ability to generate four-color process prints at lightening speed.

Kornit continues to explore how to improve its solutions and make them friendlier to the environment adapting to the green environmental policies. The Kornit Avalanche uses Kornit's new V323 ink series, which is the first digital textile ink that is formaldehyde- free.

The Kornit Avalanche features the largest printing area in the marketplace (up to 23.5" x 35") and is ideal for XXL garments and cut pieces. Like other Kornit models, the Avalanche 951 includes Kornit's PreT, an integrated automatic, pre-treatment system. The PreT system eliminates the need for a secondary operation or outsourcing, and allows capital savings on equipment, labor, space & other operational utilities.

"We at Kornit are committed to constantly seeking to improve our products and to adapt to the growing demands of the textile printing market. With the Avalanche, Kornit Digital exclusively meets a growing market need for fast turnaround, high profitability and low printing costs"; says Sarel Ashkenazi, VP Marketing & Business Development at Kornit Digital. "We can now assist finished garment decorators to achieve their goals by enabling faster, more profitable productions using the Kornit Avalanche ".
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