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New series of Rieter products to be on display at Shanghaitex

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-06-10 10:52:25  来源:Rieter Management AG 收藏
Rieter will be participating in Shanghaitex, 14-17 June 2011. Through this technology exchange platform, Rieter will present to its customers interesting developments in spinning technologies.

In Hall E1 on booth D01, Rieter will introduce its latest development in spinning technology and release new products, such as the C 70 high performance card and the new generation of the R 60 rotor spinning machine. An other attraction is the display of the Rieter yarns and fabric samples showing Rieter's four spinning technologies.
Highlights from new series of products

The release of the new series of Rieter products will be a big attraction to visitors. The C 70 high performance card opens up new horizons for economical yarn production. Adapted to different customer requirements Rieter has 2 new draw frames to offer: the RSB-D 22 double head draw frame and the RSB-D 45 single head draw frame, both with perfect autoleveling function for best sliver quality. The G 32 ring spinning machine is a cost-effective machine designed to meet the needs of the Asian markets: low investment costs combined with well-known quality and mature technology. The new R 60 fully automatic rotor spinning machine sets new standards in quality, productivity and flexibility with reduced energy consumption.

Rieter yarns under various brands

Rieter is the only supplier worldwide to offer all 4 spinning technologies from a single source: ring spinning, compact spinning, rotor spinning and air-jet spinning. All 4 spinning technologies result in different structures and properties of the yarns and end products. Rieter yarns offer advantages compared to other yarns and are marketed under the following brands: Rieter Ring Yarn, Com4 Yarn, ComfoRo Yarn and ComforJet Yarn. At the exhibition site, yarn and fabric samples will be on show to let visitors feel the difference.

Original spare parts from Rieter Parts

Original Rieter technology components and retrofits are subject to the same quality standards as Rieter machines and systems. This guarantees the constant value and the high operational safety of Rieter machines and installations. The yarn qualities fulfill high economical and technological standards.

With every new machine generation, improvements in the energy efficiency are integrated into the new machine constructions. Customers with machines that have been in operation for several years can also profit from new developments in power-saving.
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