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Efforts pays; Canton Fair a Trump Card for MH Industry

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-06-20 10:27:45  来源:MH Industry 收藏
10 orders with a total trade volume of $432,000 and the acquisition of 8 new key accounts made their presence at Canton Fair 2011 a great success for MH Industry, China's largest garment accessories supplier. In addition to the orders and customers, what else has the trade show brought to the company?

Badi, General Manager of MH Industry, was very pleased to report that sales of MH Industry increased by 16% in May after MH Industry staged at China's biggest trade show - Canton Fair 2011.

The trade show, during which MH Industry covered 18 booths, has brought the company 10 big orders and helped it develop eight new key customers at the site. "10 orders, $432,000 and 8 new key customers - Our efforts are paid," said Badi. "The benefits of trade fair marketing is obvious. You see sales growth has climbed up to 16 percent last month."

However, for Badi, the benefits aren't confined to the acquisition of orders or new customers.

"We've been doing trade show marketing for quite a long time. Everyone is convinced it is a good chance to show and promote products. That's true. However, seldom do people notice that it also provides a good opportunity for improvement – collecting new ideas and putting them into production."

Badi explained that trade shows allow them to have face-to-face talks with customers who have different needs for garment accessories, thus stimulating their innovation and improvement later on.

"While they are consulting us on certain products, chances are that they will put forward some seemingly very critical standards. Any of the standards can lead to the existence of a significant product line in the future. For instance, during Canton Fair 2011, organza lace, spun polyester thread and embroidery thread drew the most attention. One customer elaborated on a very subtle detail about organza lace and really got us inspired. I can tell that a new R&D project is under way thereby."

Badi introduced that MH Industry has engaged in various trade shows around the world every year.

"We do trade show marketing; we also do trade show research to explore customers' potential needs. Budapest of Hungary in June; Sao Paulo of Brazil in July; Paris in France in September... In 2011 alone, there are about 16 trade shows there for us. Customers' needs are diversified and we have to figure them out."

Making maximum use of trade show marketing epitomizes MH Industry's unwavering efforts in pursuit of higher status in garment accessories industry and the world market. Currently, the company has established the most comprehensive production lines for garment accessories: lace, button, thread, tape, zipper and even sewing machine parts. Meanwhile, quality products at reasonable prices have spread MH Industry's good fame to worldwide customers. Since 2002, its famous brand "MH" has been registered in more than 50 countries and received prevailing popularity. In Nigeria, garment accessories from MH Industry account for more than 80% of the market.

"We are making progress every day, bit by bit," Badi added.

Ningbo MH Industry Co., Ltd is the largest garment accessories manufacturer and tailoring materials supplier in China. Innovative in design and advanced in technologies, the company is able to provide worldwide customers with various quality garment accessories ranging from lace, button, thread, tape and zipper products as well as sewing machine parts.
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文章关键词: Canton Fair  Trump Card  MH Industry 


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