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German technology for the Chinese technical textiles industry

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-06-24 11:25:25  来源:innovationintextiles 收藏

Germany's VDMA -Textile Machinery Association is organising a series of one day conference and exhibitions called‘German Technology for the Chinese Technical Textile Industry', which will take place from 5 to 9 March 2012 in Jinan, Hangzhou and Guanzhou.

Sixteen well-known companies from Germany will present their innovative technologies and solutions for the production of technical fibres and yarns, technical fabrics and for the finishing process of technical textiles and nonwovens.

Development of Chinese textiles industry

"According to the 12th Five-Year-Plan (2011-2015) the Chinese government pursues ambitious goals to further develop the textile industry in terms of high quality textiles as well as energy and material efficiency in the production process."

"The same applies for textile manufacturers in Taiwan which also intend to increase their production in the area of technical textiles. To support these activities in these important textile countries, VDMA has decided to hold three conferences at the following locations," the VDMA says. •5 March 2012, Jinan, Shandong province •7 March 2012, Hangzhou, Zhejiang province •9 March 2012, Quanzhou, Fujian provinceIdeal platform

The VDMA says that the conference and exhibition provides an ideal platform for Managing Directors, Technical Directors and technicians to exchange their ideas and to inform themselves about state of the art textile machinery and components.

"The one day events will address all application areas such as technical textiles for industry such as the automotive industry, buildings and architecture, medical & hygiene products, clothing, geotextiles, to name but a few," the VDMA says.

The VDMA-Textile Machinery Association in Frankfurt will organise the conferences in close cooperation with VDMA-China Representative Office in Bejing. Additionally, China Nonwovens & Industrial Textile Association (CNITA) will act as co-Organiser and main supporting association partner in China. The monthly textile journal China Textile Leader will be the media partner.

All parties involved will invite interested manufacturers of technical textiles and nonwovens from January 2012 onwards to register for the events. The following German companies will participate and hold technology lectures and company presentations:

Benninger-Zell, DILO-Group, Dornier, Groz-Beckert, August Herzog, Lenzing, Mahlo, Karl Mayer Malimo, Menzel, Monforts, Georg Sahm, Oerlikon Saurer, Textechno, Trützschler Spinning, Trützschler Card Clothing and Trützschler Nonwovens.

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