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India’s Designers of the future showcase Merino wool

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-06-24 14:23:59  来源:www.wool.com 收藏

As part of an ongoing global strategy to promote the benefits of Merino wool to students within the key fashion colleges around the world, AWI has sponsored a collection of Merino garments produced by graduating designers of National Institute of Fashion and Technology (NIFT), Delhi.

This collection was showcased at the Graduation Show of KNITMODA 2011, celebrating 25 years of design excellence with 35 students designing structured separates garments using Merino wool.

The collection was mainly constructed with 100% Merino wool, with trouser fabric in wool rich blend with a minimum content of 60% fine Merino wool.

AWI supported the designers by giving guidance on trends and colours, suitable yarns, fabrics and Woolmark licensees M/s R. N. Oswal and M/s Space Knitwear helped the designers transform their creative ideas into beautiful Merino wool garments, encouraging upcoming fashion designers to learn more about wool and its versatility.

The best design of Merino collection in KnitModa’2011 was designed by Munmum Ahuja and was awarded the‘Woolmark Young Talent Award’.

Amir Sheikh, Country Manager–India said it is a great honour to be associated with a leading fashion design institute in India and see the interest of budding designers in Merino wool.

Mr. Sheikh also thanked M/s R. N. Oswal, M/s Space Knitwear and M/s Jaya Shree for their extended support to the young fashion students in creating the knitwear collection.

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文章关键词: Merino wool  AWI  designers 


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