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New initiatives boost Clariant’s CSR commitment

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-07-07 14:36:49  来源:www.ecotextile.com 收藏

MUTTENZ - Clariant is building on its corporate and social responsibility commitments in the Asia Pacific region through a series of different schemes including community initiatives and active support for local educational programs.

Clariant in Indonesia recently launched its 2011 Responsible Care program with a new series of community programs focused on education, safety, health and the environment for people living in the vicinity of its manufacturing plant in Tangerang.

Initiatives include the provision of annual scholarships in collaboration with the Sampoerna Foundation to 32 underprivileged and gifted children for the 2011/2012 academic year and running malnutrition prevention programs in the Tangerang area.

So far, Clariant Indonesia says it has distributed 134 scholarships to students at all educational levels through the Foundation while it also recently introduced an environmental cleanliness movement, including the planting of 500 trees in public spaces, through close co-operation with other companies in the Cibodas Tangerang region.

In China, the dyes and chemical specialist has participated in a series of events organized by East China University of Science and Technology (ECUST) and the Association of International Chemical Manufacturers (AICM) to celebrate the International Year of Chemistry 2011 (IYC2011) under the topic“Chemistry: our life, our future”.

As a member of AICM, Clariant is also promoting the Responsible Care Beijing Manifesto, which is aimed at improving its safety, health and environmental performance in Greater China.

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