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Rebound Ended Index Fall Back Slightly

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-07-08 10:45:43  来源:168Tex.com 收藏

According to the data of the chosen 350 enterprises, the general index fall back slightly, which was closed at 99.03 points, dropped 0.03 points comparing with that of yesterday. Chemical fabric index fall slightly by 0.02 points, closed at 98.24 points. Chemical fiber index was closed at 99.94 points, dropped 0.04 points.

Today, indexes fall mostly. The main reason is for the slack season, the overall sale is comparatively depressed. After the turning out in the previous days, today, the sales volume is hard to rise up. Today the central bank of China raised its interest rate, which made the upstream price consolidate in weak. In the downstream, the load shedding program is frequently carried out, under such a series of factors, the downstream plants are generally underweight the aftermarket. Some plants has lowered its covering. Thus material sale today is apparently weak than the previous days, boosting the index downward. Under the double pressure of fabric and feedstocks, the general index fall back slightly.

See from fabric market. Today autumn and winter fabric sales well on the market, especially for nylon taffeta, of which, the 210T/230T nylon taffeta fabric sales volume enlarged, for the fabric is mostly used for sports wear, down coat, its demand is always large. Through W/P, satine, PU coating treatment, its hand feeling is even softer, and through PU milky coating, water vapor and gas permeability, TPU film, print treatment, the fabric is used as high-grade brand sportswear, jackets, cold proof garments. Another fabric, the 360T dull nylon taffeta also sales well on the market. Its warp is dull nylon, 40D/34F FDY, and weft is 30D/34F FDY dull nylon. Its greige width is 160cm, and finished product width is 152cm, its finished product weight is 95gsm, which features at delicate style, soft hand feeling, and flat surface. The most distinguishable feature is its high density, without coating, it can be used for down coat garment making, which not only reduced the cost but also shorten process time. In addition, imitated fabric, silk typed fabric and curtain home textile series fabric also sales well.

Today chemical fiber index dropped slightly, which is mainly because of the raise of RMB deposit interest rate since 7th July,2011, the one year deposit and lending rate is increased 0.25% respectively. Adding with the high temperature factor, the loading program is frequently carried out in China market. Poly feedstocks price is generally consolidating in weak. We can find that there is no favorable factors to boost price up. Influenced by which, the downstream weaving plants covering activeness is calm down, which brought index downward.
     See from detailed product price: PTA price keeps stable, its eastern China quotation is around 9100CNY/t, Taiwan ship loaded cargo is quoted at $1175-1180/t, suppliers withhold the goods. MEG price adjust the price at weak, quotation in China was at 9400-9450CNY/t, while quotation out abroad is at $1230/t and buyers offer the price of $1220/t. Semi-bright poly chips mainstream acceptance price was at 12100CNY/t. Poly fiber quotation of the Shengze manufacturers are mostly keep stable. Now a super major plant quoted its FDY50D/24F at 15900CNY/t (6 moth acceptance), another super major plants quoted its FDY50D/72F for cash take price at 17400CNY/t. On differential fiber, T/N compound fiber DTY160D/72F *16 was quoted at 19500CNY/t. Cation fiber FDY50D/24F was quoted at 18300CNY/t.
    Now the downstream staged stock up is coming to a conclusion, while the load shedding program from place to place has caused influence to both weaving plants and chemical fiber plants. Feedstocks price is estimated to consolidate aftermarket. But with the marketing goes weak, index will also drop slightly.

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文章关键词: Chemical Fiber Index 


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