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Huntsman Textile Effects to sponsor CNTAC Conference

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-07-13 09:56:53  来源:CTEI 收藏

As a proud partner of the A Global Textile Apparel Supply Chain Conference, CNTAC Conference in Keqiao, China, July 21-23 2011, Huntsman Textile Effects is pleased to be a major sponsor of the upcoming high-level exchange platform on textile apparel supply chain management and technology. A top line-up of industry experts representing major international mills and brands will participate, exchange and communicate advanced supply chain management requirements and concepts reflecting forward-thinking and trends and the efficiency of China’s textile apparel enterprises.

Among the long list of illustrious speakers, Dr. John Cheh, CEO of Esquel will speak on innovating in the interest of sustainability, Dr. Yu Jian Ming, Senior R&T Manager from Fountain Set, on“How to be a good fabric supplier?”, and Professor Philip Yeung, Executive Director of CITA (Hongkong Clothing Industry Training Authority) on“How to build up and maintain a sustainable partnership.”

Mr Paul Hulme, Divisional President of Huntsman Textile Effects will open the proceedings and address the participants on the relevance and importance of this gathering. Mr. Rohit Aggarwal, Vice President for Apparel and Home Textiles will then make a presentation on:“Chemical Supplier–Vendor or Partner for a Sustainable Future.”

The morning session of the Conference will be devoted to the theme of“Selecting the Best Suppliers”. It will focus on several topics including ensuring purchase quality and reducing purchase cost through selecting the best suppliers, strengthening supplier management and building a harmonious relation between purchasers and suppliers.

In the afternoon we will run a Huntsman specific workshop that revolves around: Partnership for enhanced economic and environmental sustainability. At this seminar, participants will get an opportunity to meet with our technical, sales and business development staff and learn about Textile Effects as a leading global supplier to the textile industry, the efforts we are making in the interest of our partners and the environment, and we will present our new Productivity Improvement Program to exemplify this focus.

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