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Economic Prospects Concerns Aggravate PTA Dropped Out of High

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-07-19 16:11:53  来源:168Tex.com 收藏

PTA futures dropped out of high in 18 in Zhengzhou, The main force 1201 concract open quotation with the price of 9,370 yuan/ton, end up with 9,274 yuan/ton, falling 22 yuan, volume 1262300. Open Interest is 305,846 hands. Last Friday, the price of crude oil rose up, PX’s price rose up sharply again, which appeared again to the support of PTA cost. The downstream demand more, but the increasing concern tfor U.S. government debt problems and economic prospect call back the outlook of the PTA tendency. The biggiest bearish factor right now in PTA is that the new capacity is gradually put into produce.So we still in a disadvantaged situation to see in the medium and long term. Technically, the short line of bull power failed to continues, it has a demand to call back in the short term.

15,July, the price of crude oil in August rose $1.55 in NYmex, $97.24 a barrel. TransCanada Corp claimed that the planned shipment of oil pipeline Keystone which transform from Canada to USA will reduce 20%.Because of the maintainance after the leakage of oil in May, The reduction of the supply is expected to bring buyers. The European Union banking administration says, 8 bank failed to pass in the 90 tested European bank , market data. Once the data surfaced,the concern for the market would reduce.The rising price of crude oil will add to the cost of petrochemical,benifit the price of futures.

In the aspect of data, according to the report of Fed, American’s value of gross output grew 0.2% in June, only 0.3% lower than the general expectation. It also shows that the operating rate is76.7%, the same as May. However, In June, The produce delay in manufacturing industry, this fruthermore pressure the quick rebound of the development of the American economy in the next half year.

Speak of the market, PTA’s price consolidate in the chemical fiber market in Shengze, the price of MEG,hali matt gloss PET chip, super bright PET chip keeps steady. CDP price adjust, PET Bottle Chip’s price keeps still. Few adjustment in CDP slide, half matte gloss mainly sells at 12400 yuan/ton, bright slide mainly sells at 12350 yuan/ ton, CDP slide sells at 13300 yuan/ton. commit to send the goods in three months, polyester bottle flakes market general to clinch a deal at is 12300 yuan/ton.

In the downstream, Sales in the off-season, Fabric product sells little, but the operating rate of the weaving enterprise hold steday,only few inventory left, the undersupply of polyester and silk strong the confidence of the factories to rise the price.

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文章关键词: PTA  crude oil  chemical fiber 


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