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New Zealand wool plus Chinese waste may give new textiles

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-07-19 16:18:14  来源:Fibre2fashion 收藏

The Formary, a Wellington, New Zealand-based company is exploring its latest idea to create new textiles by blending strong wool with agricultural waste products from China.

The company specializes in transforming post-industrial waste into usable new product, which could be re-used to a large extent, and new products could be identified for the remainder.

This helps the industries to reduce their waste disposal costs and generate a new stream of revenue, while also contributing to protection of environment. In the process of finding new uses for large-scale waste, the company works with government organizations as well as multinational companies.

The Formary has already met with success in creating a partially recycled high-class upholstery fabric by blending New Zealand wool with Starbucks’used coffee sacks. The same concept is now being taken further with the help of a grant from Beef and Lamb New Zealand.

The grant is to find out whether a new range of interior textiles can be created by blending New Zealand strong wool with an agricultural waste material available in China, which is yet to be named.

The Formary will be testing the concept by sending a wide range of strong wool to China for manufacturing the fabrics for domestic and commercial usage.

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文章关键词: New Zealand wool  Chinese waste  new textiles 

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