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SGS Adds Azo Dye Testing to Textile Testing Services in U.S.

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-07-28 13:59:08  来源:SGS Consumer Testing Services 收藏
SGS Consumer Testing Services today announced the expansion of its textile testing services in the U.S. to include testing for the presence of azo dyes, widely used colorants that may contain any of more than 20 carcinogenic amines that are listed under California's Proposition 65 and banned in countries including China, Japan, India, Vietnam and the European Union. The new service leverages expertise from SGS labs around the world to help U.S. retailers and brand manufacturers reduce the risk of regulatory violations. Azo dyes have come under scrutiny because cancer-causing aromatic amines such as benzidine that are used in dye production can be released from the finished garment, home textiles or other item by perspiration or saliva, causing health risks from skin contact or ingestion. Recent azo dye-related product recalls and other enforcement actions have involved a broad range of products, including adult and children's t-shirts, denim jeans, scarves, dresses, hats and bed linens. The availability of azo dye testing at SGS's flagship U.S. laboratory in Fairfield, N.J., reduces testing lead time for U.S. retailers, buyers and manufacturers by eliminating the need to send products destined for global markets to overseas testing labs. It also benefits finishers and converters in the U.S., who are facing the demands of shorter production cycles for bringing products to market, by making it possible to source safety testing domestically. "Most retailers and brands recognize the need to be aware of increasing restrictions on toxic chemicals for their products in the global markets they sell. For textile products, a key area of concern is azo dyes," said Sanjeev Gandhi, Global Technical Director, Consumer Products, for SGS Consumer Testing Services. "Being able to source necessary testing from a U.S. company both streamlines and simplifies the process of protecting yourself from enforcement action that can damage your brand and result in a loss of sales." SGS offers a full range of textile testing, inspection, quality assurance and global compliance services, including restricted substance testing, care labeling, eco-testing, factory quality assessment, code of conduct assessment, final random and in-line inspection, and regulatory advisory services. The company's clients include some of the best-known brands and retailers in the industry.
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