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Intertextile Pavilion at Shenzhen hosts largest show to date

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-08-01 10:33:36  来源:Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd 收藏

More than 13,000 buyers attended the three-day Intertextile Pavilion at Shenzhen that closed its doors on 9 July 2011. Many of the buyers represented local Chinese manufacturers as well as international companies with manufacturing bases in China, while the remaining came from 30 countries and regions. As one of China’s key apparel-producing regions, Shenzhen plays a major role in China’s textile trade, helping to bring key players together at the Shenzhen Pavilion.

“In a market that is as fast changing and fast growing as the textiles industry, we are very happy to announce that so many apparel brands and buying offices, both international and domestic, chose to source from this growing trade fair” commented Ms Wendy Wen, Director, Trade Fairs for Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd.

Some of the international attending brands included Berkeley Apparel, Fila, Gerry Weber, Hennes & Mauritz, Li & Fung, Max Studio, Polo Ralph Lauren, Quiksilver, Reebok, Ztampz plus many others. Meanwhile among the major Chinese attending brands were: BBLLUUEE, Caven, Ellasay, Marisfrolg, Uian and Vancl.

More than 300 exhibitors, who came from 7 countries and regions, covered an exhibition space of 9,200 sqm. Exhibitors showcased a great variety of products including cotton, functional, man made, linen/ ramie, silk and wool plus a range of accessories, lace and embroidery as well as many more materials.

Many participating exhibitors were seeking Chinese apparel makers from the Guangdong region. For first-time Indian company, Indmoda Exports (P) Ltd, which produces hand embroidered lace and fabrics that currently export to European, Japanese, Korean, and US markets, used the show to tap into the global high end market which produces in Southern China. “I believe that my products will sell very well here – I feel very optimistic about our participation,” commented company director, Mr Dilip Agarwal.

These sentiments were echoed throughout the fair – Mr Toshiyuki Ishimori, a representative from Sojitz Fashion Co Ltd, cotton specialists suitable for both ladieswear and menswear, also targeted domestic brands. “We’ve been very busy and we are very happy to have met with so many Chinese brands from the surrounding area.”

Many exhibitors were also pleased to meet with buyers in Asia serving the international markets. “Quite a lot of buyers visited us, and half of those, I believe, will be potential customers,” said Mr Koo M Jung, managing director for K.M Textile Corporation. The Korean company produces man-made and jacquard fabrics for the ladieswear markets.

Hong Kong based visitor, Mr Carlos Miranda Diaz, CEO for Hong Kong Yuanhai Imp & Exp Co, attended for the first time and trades on behalf of South American brands. “I have found many good quality, bright coloured fabrics and accessories that I’m now finding it difficult to decide which supplier to choose from.”

Equally as impressed was Mr Ewing Lee, Assistant Fabrics Manager for Pada Industrial (Far East) Co. who manufactures clothing for US children’s wear brand “The Children’s Place”. “I am looking to source colorful cotton fabrics,” said Mr Lee. “So far, I feel very comfortable and have been able to have detailed discussions with new suppliers, giving me the chance to conduct business on-site” he added.

Intertextile Pavilion was organised by Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd.; the Sub-Council of Textile Industry, CCPIT; and Shenzhen Garment Industry Association.
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