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China Textile Machinery Industry Hailed Great Performance from January to April, 2011

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-08-04 14:28:10  来源:China Textile Machinery Association 收藏

Accumulated sales of China textile machinery industry over the first four months of 2011 reached 29.728 billion RMB, rising by 32.96 percent year-on-year. Sales to production rate was 97.04 percent, maintaining the same level of the previous year. Overall cost was 27.727 billion RMB, rising by 33.23 percent year-on-year. Of which, cost of goods sold was 25.166 billion RMB, rising by 33.38 percent from the previous year. Cost of goods sold accounted for 90.76 percent of overall costs.

Earnings and fixed-asset investment of the industry remained positive from January to April. Accumulated earnings of the industry totaled around 1.86 billion RMB, ascending 45.19 percent year-on-year. The industry has also seen 109 million RMB of deficit, which rose by 19.49 percent year-on-year. Around 11.3 percent of the companies engaging in textile machinery business were facing deficit, down by 0.18 percentage points from last year.

Over the first five months of 2011, fixed-asset investment of the industry totaled 4.401 billion RMB, rising by 15.65 percent year-on-year and 30.14 percent from the previous month. 119 new programs were kicked off, up by 8.18 percent year-on-year.

According to the statistics unveiled by China Customs, both import and export of China textile machinery has witnessed noticeable growth over the first five months of 2011. Around US$ 3.209 billion of textile machinery were imported and exported during this period. In which, US$ 870 million were exported, rising by 39.12 percent year-on-year and US$ 2.339 billion were imported, rising by 56.53 percent year-on-year.

Knitting machinery secured the No.1 position of imported textile machinery with US$ 570 million imported, rising by 41.92 percent from the precedent year, accounting for 24.36 percent of overall import. Weaving machinery saw the most significant growth, surging by 128.93 percent year-on-year. Japan, German, Italy, Switzerland and China´s Taiwan are the top five import origins which added up to US$ 1.983 billion, surging by 60.31 percent year-on-year.

Knitting machinery saw US$ 269 million of export from January to May, securing the No.1 position, rising by 39.12 percent year-on-year. Nonwoven machinery saw the largest growth magnitude, surging by 141.23 percent year-on-year.

Amongst all the 151 countries and regions that China textile machinery were exported to, India, Japan, Bangladesh, Indonesia and Pakistan were the top five countries, accounting for 51.36 percent of overall export.

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