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Chinese businessmen seeking investment opportunities in Indiana

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-08-05 08:25:32  来源:Xinhua 收藏

INDIANAPOLIS, the United States, July 18 (Xinhua) -- A total of 12 agreements worth 364 million U.S. dollars were signed between enterprises from China's eastern Zhejiang province and its U.S. sister state Indiana at a business symposium in Indianapolis on Monday.

Nearly 200 business leaders from a Chinese delegation led by Zhao Hongzhu, chief of the Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China, attended the Indiana-Zhejiang Investment & Trade Symposium.

Addressing the symposium, Zhao said Zhejiang and Indiana have maintained a sound relationship for 25 years thanks to the pioneering spirit and innovative minds of the two countries' entrepreneurs and the spirit of service of the governments.

Zhao hoped the symposium could help further strengthen their relationship and promote both sides' industrial upgrading.

An example of the closer business ties is that cooperation between Zhejiang's Wanxiang Group Corporation and Indiana's EnerDel has created more than 1,300 jobs in Indiana.

Indiana Governor Mitchell Daniels said Indiana and Zhejiang now enjoy closer ties than ever before.

"In today's economy, a good test of a great state is whether it can participate in the trade and two-way exchange with China," said the governor, "Indiana is determined to be the state to do that."

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