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Texworld to host ‘Sustainability Day’

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-08-08 08:36:43  来源:www.texworld.messefrankfurt.com 收藏
PARIS - Eco-friendly fabrics will be a key focus of this autumn’s Texworld exhibition, particularly on 20 September which has been earmarked as ‘Sustainability Day’.

Overall more than 800 international exhibitors will unveil their new products to visitors buying for the winter 2012 season with more than 125 new international exhibitors attending and expanding the ranges on offer.

A highlight of the show is expected to be the display of numerous eco-functional textiles from the increasing number of Taiwanese weavers and knitters, fabrics which are said to be very much in demand for their range of properties including absorbency, breathability, UV-protection and anti-odour capability.

Recycled polyester fabrics remain a strong focus for Taiwan’s fabric manufacturers, a trend highlighted by Excellassoc which produces a whole range of fabrics with a silky look, a soft handle and have regulating properties. Ecomax Textile, which sells its collections in the US and Europe, also produces recycled polyester with multiple weaves; some are similar to muslin, some have a rougher surface or are embossed in neutral or acid shades or are crinkled.

It’s a similar story for Handseltex, whose cellulosic fabrics offer a fluidity and functional properties which are very much in demand from buyers for women’s and children’s ready-to-wear or loungewear.

Elsewhere, fabrics destined for casual and outdoor fashion - technical blends with optimum comfort, based on nylon and spandex, antibacterial maize and soft jersey made from recycled polyester a- re typical of the creations from Lee Ven, while Suntex fabrics make crinkle or twill fabrics from recycled plastic, suitable for creative fashion.

“Texworld is investing a lot of effort to ensure expansion of the eco-friendly products on offer,” the show organisers said. “(Sustainability Day) will be entirely dedicated to eco fabrics and to sustainable development, interspersed with talks, where weavers and professionals from the sector will share their expertise with visitors and discuss advances made in the field and their lines for this season.”

The day will also include an insight into the industry from a representative of Global Organic Textile Standard – GOTS, and the UK’s RITE Group which is working to reduce the negative effects of the textile industry on the environment.

Texworld will be held at the Paris le Bourget Exhibition Centre 19 – 22 September 2011.

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