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MH Industry Spearheads China's Production of Eco-Friendly Sewing Thread and Embroidery Thread

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-08-11 15:02:17  来源:www.prnewswire.com 收藏

MH Industry, China's largest garment accessories manufacturer and tailoring materials supplier, is taking a leading role in integrating environmental practices in its business, thus to advocate eco-friendly fashion in textile industry. The major steps will be firstly used in its sewing thread and embroidery thread products.

"It is high time we advocated eco friendly products in textile industry. In terms of quality and yield production, I think no other one can rival us in garment accessories supply in China, particularly our 100% spun polyester sewing thread and embroidery thread. But as a global supplier, we have to keep eyes on the world market. Eco-friendly clothes are trendy and eco-textile will surely be the next dominant trend," said Kailly Yu, team leader of the group.

Kailly introduced that 95% of MH Industry garment accessories products are exported to worldwide markets. Sewing thread and embroidery thread products are especially popular due to their high quality, high production capacity and large coverage of world market.

Available in a vast variety of brilliant colors and hues and using advanced technological procedures, MH Industry produces threads that not only maintain their brilliance over time, but also maintain excellent color fastness to abrasion, washing, sunlight, perspiration and sublimation.

Every year, MH Industry produces 12,000 tons of 100% Spun Polyester Sewing Thread in diverse specifications ranging from 20S to 80S and 4,800 tons of rayon embroidery thread in diverse specifications for worldwide buyers extending from America and Europe to Africa. In Nigeria, MH Industry eco-textile products enjoy 80% market share.

"It's not enough for us, or you can simply say it's not enough for any one in textile industry if they want to go further," said Kailly. "'Eco-friendliness' has emerged as a primary concern for the globe. Advocating green fashion in the industry is not only a matter of the development of our company but also relates much to the society. Compared with individuals, corporations can do more to build a green world and must take more responsibilities."

Actually, MH Industry has a history of environmental consciousness. It is one of the earliest eco-textile advocators in China. Selective in raw materials and with strict control of manufacturing, packaging, transportation and recycling process, MH Industry has met the International Oeko-Tex Standard 100, a globally uniform testing and certification system for textile raw materials, intermediate and end products at all stages of production.

Kailly said that "eco-friendly" principles will always be the cardinal principle for MH Industry. The company intends to devote even more resources to the research and development of better eco-friendly sewing thread and embroidery thread. The improvements will not only be reflected in the threads, but also their packaging and recycling procedures.

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文章关键词: MH Industry  eco friendly  textile industry 


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