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Lenzing Nanjing Fibers starts up new fiber production line

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-08-18 13:53:54  来源:Lenzing Nanjing Fibers 收藏
Lenzing Nanjing Fibers, the Chinese subsidiary of Lenzing AG, has successfully started up its new production line. The new line will offer a nominal capacity of 60,000 tons p.a. and will produce viscose fibers for textile applications and the nonwoven industry mainly for the Asian market.

Construction took approximately one year, and important key components were provided by the Group’s subsidiary Lenzing Technik GmbH. The startup of the new line almost doubled the annual production capacity of Lenzing Nanjing Fibers to nearly 140,000 tons of viscose fibers. It is already expected to reach its full nominal capacity at the beginning of the fourth quarter of 2011. The Nanjing plant is Lenzing Group’s third-largest production location and began manufacturing in 2007.

Lenzing is currently expanding the capacities of nearly all of its locations worldwide. Lenzing Group plans to increase its total capacity from 710,000 tons at the beginning of 2010 to over 1.1 million tons by 2015. This step by Lenzing comes in reaction to the growing demand for high-quality fibers as a consequence of the massive trends of population growth and rising prosperity as well as the trend towards sustainability.
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