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Investment direction

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-08-19 09:03:53  来源:Chinadaily 收藏

Investments are sought that will leverage Xinjiang's geographical advantages and resources to develop high-tech and high value-added pillar industries with high profits and revenues, and expand exports to neighboring countries.

In accordance with the law of development of the socialist market economy and the principle of "the profits should go to those who have invested", foreign investment is encouraged in the construction of infrastructure and supporting industries.

Investments are encouraged in:

1. Machinery and electronics industry: electronic equipment, electronic instruments, electronic components and products, high and medium grade household appliances, computers, children's learning machine assembly and accessory products, integrated circuits, multi meter, electromechanical integration equipment production, assembly of small electric tools, petrochemical assorted mechanical equipment, construction machinery.

2. Light industry and textile: paper and paper products, leather products, fur clothing, detergents and synthetic materials, skin care products, ethnic minority's special needed commodity, new ceramics and enamel products, arts and crafts tourism products, packaging and containers materials, small and medium-sized general purpose machinery. Processing and producing cotton, yarn, flax, wool yarn and other products. Deep processing of new and special types of chemical fiber.

3. Construction chemicals engineering: new building materials, non-metallic mineral products, new solid materials and roofing materials, new refractory materials, building and sanitary ceramics, marble, granite processing, petrochemical fine products in replacing imported products.

4. Pharmaceuticals, pesticides, food processing, health care supplies.

5. Research, finance, commercial catering, trade, tourism and other tertiary industries.

6. Projects brought by the investor(s) in line with the policies of the Development Zone.

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文章关键词: investment  infrastructure  supporting industries 


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