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Meilaishun Accelerates Upgrading of Chinese Underwear Industry

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-08-22 15:00:22  来源:ctei.gov.cn 收藏
Meilaishun Underwear and Accessories Plaza’s first phase, a 12-story building has gone up in Xiashan street, 324 national road, Chaonan area, Shantou city, Guangdong province, forming a top grade underwear and accessories commercial platform in Chaoshan area. Meilaishun Plaza is the first modernization professional underwear market and the trade center in Chaoshan area.
The first phase project of Meilaishun Underwear and Accessories Plaza covers an area of 45,000 meters. Layout: Basement: 30000 square metres of large parking lot; 1-2th floor: engaging  in women and men’s underwear, warm underwear, underpants, knitting underwear and etc.; 3th floor: engaging  in various underwear, home wear; 4th floor: engaging  in underwear, home wear, fabrics and accessories; 5-7th floor: equipped with perennial exhibition, exhibit area and multifunctional hall. Display the newest underwear and home wear products from domestic and overseas, and also have various fashion shows. 8-12th floor: apartment-style office, hundreds of marketing headquarters of underwear manufacturers work here.
Meilaishun Underwear and Accessories Plaza not only improve efficiency and save costs for manufacturers and the purchasers, but also let consumers enjoy modernization services to create huge social benefits. “With modern facilities assignment, it provides commercial districts, offices, display exhibition, logistics area, catering area, multifunctional international conference hall, online shops and other professional services into an organic whole, striving to create the most efficient, safe and comfortable and happy business environment for customers.” Xia Lingmin, Deputy Secretary-General of China National Textile & Apparel Council and President of Commercial Circulation Association said.
Meilaishun Plaza has already joined China International Clothing & Accessories Fair and Hongkong Fashion Week, and conducted a series of marketing activities around 150 cities. Now, there are 300 shops which have confirmed to move into the plaza. Meilaishun Plaza will be the first choice for Chaoshan’s consumers to purchase underwear and a profitable plaza for store owners and entrepreneurs.
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文章关键词: Meilaishun Plaza  Underwear 


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