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Textile Industry Supports Uprising Strategy in Henan Province

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-08-23 11:30:26  来源:China Textile Leader 收藏

During the period of "12th Five-Year Plan", the textile industry in Henan province will be focused on the followings:

(1) Development of sub-industries for garments, home textiles and technical textiles; improvement for upgrading traditional sub-industries for cotton textiles and man-made fiber production; development for dyeing and printing industry in a proper way;

(2) Advancing the construction for production aggregate bases and undertaking industrial transfer;

(3) Intensifying technical innovation and brand promotion, perfecting service system, strengthening key enterprises and developing small and medium enterprises for products with characteristics; heightening the ability for cooperation in textile industry;

(4) So as to achieve a complete industrial chain, a perfect market network and a reasonable layout for development.

In recent years, textile industry in Henan province has been developing speedily, but some structural contradictions accumulated in the course of development. The problems were unbalanced and anticlimactic development of an industrial chain; in addition, new product development and brand promotion fell behind relatively, cooperations for production were not perfect enough and industrial clusters were only at initial stage that they were not well-aggregated and concentrated for production.

In response to these problems, textile industry in Henan province sets up four targets to be fulfilled during the period of "12th Five-Year Plan".

Firstly, in respect to industrial scale, textile industry of the whole province will attain total sales amounting to RMB 600,000 million by the end of the period of "12th Five-Year Plan", of which, the enterprises capable of mass production will share RMB 340,000 million, annually increasing by 15% on average.

Secondly, in respect to industrial structure, the competitiveness of cotton and man-made fiber products will be higher, the range of finished products will be expanded and the sub-industry for dyeing and printing will be enhanced, so as to initially establish a complete industrial system. In 2015, the added value of garments will share over 25% of the sales of the textile industry in Henan province and both home textiles and technical textiles will be featured with unique advantages.

Thirdly, in respect to technical progress, in 2015, the share of advanced machinery and equipment will be as high as 70%, the investment in R&D will be higer than 1.5% of the total sales and the production rate of new products will go up to 7%.

Fourthly, in respect to energy saving and pollutant reduction, all consumptions of added value per unit annually will fall by 5% on average, water consumption by 7% and wastewater discharge by 7% or higher.

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文章关键词: textile industry  development  Henan Province 


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