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Gap makes greenhouse gas pledge

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-08-24 09:10:17  来源:ecotextile 收藏
SAN FRANCISCO - Gap Inc. has pledged to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions in the US by 20% by 2015 and roll-out one of its key CSR programs to female factory workers in Bangladesh.

The pledges are part of the retail giant’s fifth Social and Environmental Responsibility report, a comprehensive update on its supply chain operations, environmental programs and community investment efforts from 2009 to 2010.

“Gap Inc. takes seriously the importance of being a responsible company,” Gap Inc. Chairman and CEO Glenn Murphy said. “For nearly 20 years, we’ve worked to address some of the major challenges facing our industry and to operate our business in line with our value to do what’s right. While we’re not perfect, we’re proud of the progress made.”

Gap says it aims to cut the GHG emissions compared to 2008 levels, which follows an earlier 20% decrease in emissions from 2003 to 2008 and highlights the P.A.C.E. program (Personal Advancement and Career Enhancement), which has helped more than 5,000 female factory workers gain life and work skills education. The program is now in place in Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka and Vietnam.

Further achievements in the report note how 100% of Gap’s branded denim is now made in compliance with the company’s Water Quality System, ensuring the wastewater from the laundries is properly treated before being discharged.

Other accomplishments over the last two years which are detailed in the 160-page, biennial report include: the introduction of a Human Rights Policy that strengthens the company’s global Codes of Vendor and Business Conduct t; more space efficient containers and redesigned packaging which eliminated 57,000 tons of cardboard and 63 million yards of plastic bands per year from its US operations; and 40% reduced electricity consumption in its distribution centres by replacing more than 16,000 light bulbs with more energy efficient lights.

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文章关键词: Gap Inc  greenhouse gas 


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