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International Forum of Sustainability in Textile Industry

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-08-25 15:28:31  来源:Taiwan Textile Federation 收藏
With support by the Bureau of Foreign Trade (BOFT), Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA), Taiwan Textile Federation will host the “2011 International Forum of Sustainability in Textile Industry” on October 13, 2011 in the Room 101AB, at Taipei International Convention Center, which will coincide with the Taipei Innovative Textile Application Show (TITAS) also organized by this Federation. Supporting organizations invited for the Forum include BCSD-Taiwan, Green Trade Project Office of MOEA, Outdoor Industry Association, Textile Exchange and Kingpins Show/Continuum.

The theme for this Forum is “Sustainability in Textile Industry–United and Focused: Further Links in Partnership”. The agenda will be divided into 3 sessions as follows:

• Session I: The market and demand of sustainable textiles and partnership in the supply chain.
• Session II: Technology and innovation trends in sustainable textiles.
• Session III: Common standards of sustainability for textile industry.

The purpose of the Forum is to create more dialogs within the entire textile supply chain to work out market-based solutions to the challenges of the environment and industry development. Currently a number of initiatives have already been engaged in building indicators and assessment tools for the supply chain. Alignment of these standards and tools to become more commonly used tools to better assess and measure environmental and social performance is also an issue to be further discussed in this Forum.

Taiwan Textile Federation welcomes textile trade professionals to participate in this Forum.
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文章关键词: International Forum  Taiwan  Textile Industry 


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