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NIKE Inc’s response of the use of NPEs

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-08-26 16:27:20  来源:NIKE Inc 收藏
NIKE Inc is committed to high standards of consumer and environmental safety for all of our products. For this reason we have a Restricted Substances List (RSL) and Sustainable Chemistry Guidance (SCG) program.

Nonylphenol ethoxylates (NPEO or NPE) are a class of chemical substances that belong to the general family of chemicals known as alkylphenols (AP) and alkylphenol ethoxylates (APEO). They are common ingredients in detergents used in industrial laundries and cleaning products and also have uses in the textile, paper, metal-working, paint and coating, and agrochemical industries.

Traces of NPEOs may be found in new apparel and footwear products from their use in the washing, printing, and dyeing steps of textile manufacturing. The traces of NPEO found in finished clothing are legally permissible but due to their potential impact on the environment NIKE, Inc. has placed these chemicals on the most recent update of the Nike Restricted Substances List (RSL) and the Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (MRSL).
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文章关键词: NIKE  NPE 

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