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SAI and China National Textile & Apparel Council Sign Agreement

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-08-30 10:28:00  来源:3blmedia.com 收藏
The China National Textile and Apparel Council (CNTAC) and Social Accountability International (SAI) are pleased to announce they have signed a Memorandum of Understanding for cooperative work.

Sharing the objectives of improving working conditions and promoting social dialogue in workplaces of the textile and apparel sector and beyond, the organizations have identified five areas of possible cooperation. They will start their cooperative activities by jointly convening and facilitating a meeting of the Multi-stakeholder Advisory Committee in December 2011. This meeting builds on learnings from their previous one in 2010, and will be one of a series centering on the importance of building collaborative partnerships among participants-local and global companies, government, workers, social auditors and other stakeholders.  
CNTAC and SAI expect this MOU to facilitate cooperation with and among other partners of both organizations, and look forward to the engagement in this effort of additional social responsibility initiatives and standards.

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文章关键词: SAI  CNTAC  Agreement 


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