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Material ConneXion Opens Second Location In South Korea

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-08-31 11:31:37  来源:textileworld 收藏
Global materials consultancy Material ConneXion is establishing a facility in Seoul, South Korea to offer services and a materials library to serve customers in the Korean market. Material ConneXion Seoul (MCS), located in the Seoul Design Support Center, will open officially Nov. 28, 2011, after a soft opening in September, and will be the second Material ConneXion facility in South Korea. Material ConneXion Daegu opened in Daegu Metropolitan City, South Korea, in 2008.

MCS's materials library initially will include 700 materials. The operation also will offer consulting services, including materials research and product development support tailored to the customer, as well as public programs such as exhibitions and conferences featuring materials innovation.

"Korea is one of the fastest growing countries in the world," said Michele Caniato, president, Material ConneXion Inc. "We are very proud to open a second location in Seoul, the Design Capital of Asia. Our first library based in Daegu will now work side by side with the team in Seoul to better serve our custmers, who will have a unique opportunity to take advantage of materials Made in Korea, which we are planning to showcase in the library."

The MCS offices also will host the Seoul Design Foundation.

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