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Leaders of CNTAC inspect Pulandian city of Liaoning province

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-08-31 13:50:59  来源:CTEI.GOV.CN 收藏
From 20th to 21st August, Vice Secretary-General of China National Textile & Apparel Council(CNTAC) and President of CNTEX, Mr. Xia Lingmin, Vice chairman of China Garment Association, Mr.Feng Dehu, Director of Chinese Textile Industrial Cluster Working Committee, Mr.Zhao Yuejin, Chinese Garment Association Deputy Secretary-General Xie Qing and other leaders of the association visited Pulandian city of Liaoning province.
According Information of Pulandian city authorities, the city realized 24.8 billion Yuan of the gross value of industrial output, sales revenue 22.6 billion Yuan. Exports delivery is worth 11.4 billion Yuan, taxes paid 780 million Yuan. As a textile and clothing industry cluster, Pulandian city has formed a large group of leading enterprises. The city is planning the construction includes the headquarters economy area, training area, exhibition area, business center, apparel products processing and accessories production area which including six big clothing industrial parks.
After inspecting, Mr.Xia Lingmin emphasized that building textile and apparel clustera means to establish the regional brand, to push cluster marketing, investment and the integration of various resources, to promote the cluster, enterprises and local economy and the further development of the industry. Cluster building, needs textile and apparel industry occupy pillar status in the local economy; the government should attach seriously importance, must have the industry 's long-term development planning, and actively promote the construction of public service platform. At the same time the industry need to promote industrial clusters; strengthen the construction of entrepreneur team, go out, get in, and strengthen communication with international markets.
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文章关键词: CNTAC  Pulandian city  textile industry 


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