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Adidas makes hazardous chemical commitment

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-09-01 08:45:23  来源:ecotextile 收藏
HERZOGENAURACH - Adidas has responded to the Greenpeace 'Detox' challenge by committing to zero discharge of hazardous chemicals throughout its entire supply chain and across the entire lifecycle of its products, by 2020.

The commitment comes just seven weeks after the publication of the Greenpeace report, "Dirty Laundry", which revealed commercial links between major clothing brands including Adidas, Nike (5) and Puma (6), and suppliers responsible for releasing toxic pollution into Chinese rivers.

The follow-up product testing report, released last week, "Dirty Laundry II - Hung out to dry" provided further evidence that chemicals capable of breaking down into persistent, bioaccumulative, and hormone-disrupting substances, such as nonylphenol, were being used during the manufacturing processes of over 14 international brands, including H&M and Abercrombie and Fitch.

As part of its commitment, Adidas has included some very specific and immediate actions, including a NPE phase-out map based on a `no safe levels´ approach, and a commitment to work with all levels of their supply chain. Adidas has also agreed to address the principle of the "right to know" by ensuring full transparency about the chemicals being released from its suppliers' factories

It has also explicitly stated its commitment to developing a cross-industry approach in addition to its own individual implementation plan and promised to deliver a detailed plan within the next seven weeks.

Commenting on the pledge from Adidas, Yifang Li, Greenpeace East Asia Toxic Campaigner said that the brand’s commitment to zero discharges showed it recognised that there are no 'safe limits' and that only total elimination of hazardous chemicals from its supply chain is acceptable. “This is great news for our environment, our rivers and the millions of people in China and elsewhere who depend on waterways for their livelihoods,” Li said. “While Nike, Adidas and Puma are now competing and collaborating in the race towards a toxic-free future, it is urgent that they turn words into actions and provide concrete and ambitious implementation plans and begin making real changes on the ground.”

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文章关键词: Adidas  Greenpeace  hazardous chemicals 


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