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Textile Exchange adds ‘Detox’ workshop

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-09-02 09:48:02  来源:ecotextile 收藏
BARCELONA - Textile Exchange has added an additional workshop session to this year's Sustainable Textiles Conference, which takes place in Barcelona, Spain, immediately prior to the ITMA exhibition.

The conference takes place on 19 and 20 September, with the new workshop, Greenpeace's Detox Campaign - The Bigger Picture, taking place on 20 September at 8:00am at the Princesa Sofia Gran Hotel.

The session will be moderated by John Frazier, Director of Sustainable Chemistry and Water, Nike, with other speakers including Greenpeace International‘s Melissa Shinn, Toxics Campaign Policy Advisor and Martin Besieux, Toxics Water Campaigner.

Greenpeace’s ‘detox’ campaign hit the headlines recently when the organization launched its “Dirty Laundry” report, which identified commercial links between major clothing brands and suppliers responsible for releasing hazardous and hormone-disrupting chemicals into Chinese rivers.

Since then, leading brands such as Puma and Adidas have made public commitments to eliminate releases of hazardous chemicals from their product lifecycles.

Greenpeace has a long tradition in working towards the elimination of use and releases of hazardous chemicals. It is now focusing more attention building on the progress established in some well known policies that aim for zero discharges, elimination and substitution of hazardous chemical including, among others, OSPAR, the EU Water Framework Directive and REACH.

To this end Greenpeace is calling for governments to adopt commitments to zero discharge of all hazardous substances within one generation, based on the precautionary principle and a preventative approach to chemicals management, with the substitution principle at its core, and producer responsibility to drive toxics use elimination.

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