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Weekly Report: Viscose Staple Fiber (29th Aug-2nd Sept)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-09-05 09:20:13  来源:168tex.com 收藏

VSF price this week continue upward. Now its mainstream quotation is around 19300-19500CNY, strike price is around 19100CNY, which was 200 increased in compare with that of last week. Reflected by the market, some plants was in tight delivery, not able to meet the demand, some plants withhold the goods, but generally the turnover is considerable.

Early of the week, VSF price was marked up for the influence of increasing upstream feedstock price. Now VSF price has fallen back to a low level that was in the mid term of 2010, and its storage is also considerable. In addition, rayon greige price recently also increased, turnover enlarged, which boosted VSF price continue upward.
On upstream, linter turnover is considerable, with its price slightly increased. Recently it is short supplied, but downstream buyers buy in actively. Currently suppliers are mostly withholding the goods, which as a result, boosted its price upward. Moreover, new linter is estimated to come into the market in the mid term of September. But as market source said, the new product quality is not that good. Now common fiber linter price is around 5300CNY, some suppliers even quoted 5700CNY, 200CNY increased, week on week. On cotton pulp, it was dull sale. The market supply is also in short, but the turnover is on average, the price is around 11300-11500CNY.
On downstream, this week, cotton price continue goes up. On Thursday this week, cotton acquisition began. Third grade cotton quotation is 19362CNY, 200CNY increased than last week. Cotton price in China market is generally stopped down to be stabilized. Rayon yarn price is boosted by VSF price and the market demand, which is slightly increased. Now 40S sales well on the market. 30S woven yarn price is around 23600CNY, 40S is around 24600CNY, which increased around 100-300CNY.
On the generally, VSF has been replaced by cotton, although its price is still upward, with the coming of new cotton come into the market, VSF price will be battered by a shock. Currently, VSF price is still hard to estimate. Next week, VSF price is likely to be stabilized.
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