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EU´s economic stability linked to world: Wen

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-09-05 16:37:39  来源:Xinhua 收藏

BEIJING - Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao said Friday that the European Union´s economic stability is linked to the stability of the world economy and the recovery of the EU economy is conducive to the recovery of the world economy.

Wen made the remarks in a telephone conversation with European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso in an exchange of views on European and global economic and financial situations as well as China-EU relations.

Wen said that China always has had confidence in the European economy and the euro and will continue to make Europe one of its main investment markets. He added that China hopes Europe will ensure the safety of its investments there.

The world economy is undergoing a complex, sensitive and hard period, Wen said. Individual countries should not only implement effective and responsible macro-economic policies to solve their own specific key problems and manage their own affairs well, but also make coordinated efforts, he said.

China has the confidence and capacity to maintain a relatively rapid and steady economic growth to make due contribution to the recovery and strong, sustainable and balanced growth of the world economy, he said.

Barroso said that Europe and China, as strategic partners, should keep close communications and explore ways to counter challenges together under the current circumstances.

Europe is taking measures to maintain the stability of its economy and  has the capacity to resolve the difficulties it faces, Barroso said.

Barroso said that Europe appreciates China´s support for the euro and the euro zone. He said Europe highly values its dialogue and cooperation with China.

Barroso said that Europe is willing to intensify its cooperation with China in various fields, such as trade, investment, innovation, energy and Internet security, and Europe welcomes more investments from China.

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