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Bulk Textile Feedstock Quotation Summarize (7th Sept)

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-09-08 08:18:21  来源:168tex.com 收藏
Polyester Filament: Poly Filament fiber quotation is generally increased by a hundred CNY. Now FDY50D/48F cash take is quoted at 17500CNY/t, bright FDY50D/36F cash take is quoted around 17400CNY,FDY50D/24F 6-month acceptance is quoted at 17700CNY/t, FDY40D/24F cash take is quoted at 17400CNY/t.
PTA: Today, PTA quotation abroad weakened, Taiwan cargo is quoted at $1310-1315/t, Korean cargo is quoted at $1295-1300/t, PTA quotation in China temporary stabilized. Market supply is tight; suppliers withhold the goods, and individually offer the price of 10350CNY/t.
MEG: MEG market atmosphere is on average, quotation in China keeps firm, suppliers offer the price of 10000CNY/t, quotation abroad was $1300/t in the morning while it dropped to $1290-1295/t.
PET Bottle Chips: PET bottle chips quotation in China market is stabilized, which is around 13300-13500CNY/t for cash take and EXW. Market atmosphere is on average and real deal is seldom.
Viscose Staple Fiber: Viscose staple fiber price is increased to 19500-19800CNY/t. Currently the turnover slowed down for the increased price and wait and see attitude is increased. Supply is still tight.
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