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Rieter Introduces J 20 Air-jet Spinning Machine

http://www.texnet.com.cn  2011-09-08 08:50:40  来源:textileworld 收藏

Rieter Machine Works Ltd., Switzerland, now offers the J 20 air-jet spinning machine, featuring up to 120 spinning units — making it the longest air-jet machine available — and independently operating sides — allowing two different yarn types to be spun simultaneously.

The company reports the machine's new spinning unit produces yarn with improved strength and reduced incidence of imperfections. The J 20 is equipped with two robots on each side, for a total of four, which maximizes production efficiency. The drive frame includes integrated centrally driven ventilators, electric and electronic systems, and supply and disposal connections. On each machine side, there are separate filter chambers to process waste from the spinning positions and the robots, enabling collection of uncontaminated waste from separate streams that can be further used.

The drive train is designed with bobbin delivery lowered to a height of 1.45 meters, optimizing operator control of the bobbin conveyor belt and facilitating transfer of the bobbins to pallets. The end section comprises the service area for the rear robot, as well as a stand-alone tube feeder that can accommodate 350 empty tubes and which features separate tube chains for the left and right sides of the machines, allowing the use of different colors of tubes for each side to help identify the different yarn qualities being spun on each side.

With 120 spinning units, the Rieter J 20 is the longest air-jet spinning machine available.

The J 20's new spinning unit produces yarn with improved stability and yarn values.

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文章关键词: Rieter  J 20 air-jet spinning machine 


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